My Story

Annie Leona is endlessly inspired by Irelands wild and untamed beauty. Growing up in rural Ireland, I have always found a solace and serenity in nature. My mother, an English teacher, would relish in telling me old stories of fairies and folklore before bed; and as all children do, the next day, jotter in hand, I would begin the interrogation of this enchanted and magical world I so desperately believed we lived in. As an adult I have tried many times to polish off the cracked and tattered lens of childlike wonder and reignite this vision. To once again, immerse myself in nature and feel a stir within my very core, a tranquility that floods my veins and an ineffable peace within my soul.

It is this ephemeral feeling that I turn to for inspiration; the comforting emptiness that ensues when the earth falls silent, the veil drops and the moment becomes deafening, when we rediscover reality as though for the very first time. It is these fleeting yet mesmerising moments of lucidity that I will forever try to encapsulate.; to mould my perception of the world and allow it to beautifully bleed into my work.

From paintings to design to creation, I will always endeavour to pay homage to the little girl who would dance with the fairies, walk barefoot in the rivers and find solace among the trees. Let us re-immerse ourselves in the captivating beauty to be forever found in wildness and pay homage to this beautiful and orphic land we call home.

Founded in 2022 Annie Leona endeavours to unearth a thoughtful and tentative approach to fashion; a value that we seem to have lost somewhere along the way…

Annie Leona is built upon the deeply rooted belief that fashion can once again be still, in-destructive and cherished. Furthermore, It can be handmade, beautiful and luxurious without damaging our natural world, endorsing the slave trade or exploiting others. That it can be used to do good, to give back when and where possible.

So please, let us join hands in reigniting forgotten values, unearthing old traditions, telling long lost stories and returning thoughtfulness to fashion once more.