In Loving Memory of my Beautiful Auntie Ann

My first ever collection “Thoughts of home” will be dedicated to my Auntie Ann and her husband Nich. In Ann’s memory, I vow to donate a percentage of my profit from this collection to Cancer research. On Boxing day this year, we sadly lost my auntie Ann to cancer. Ann was a fashionista like no other, a true lady and a woman who was nothing short of remarkable. Ann spent most of her adult life battling cancer, bravely beating it many times. She had a resilience and vivacious energy for life like no-one I have ever met before.
Ann was a great believer in chasing your dreams and an inspiration to all who knew her. I truly would not be where I am today if it were not for my Auntie Ann and her love, kindness and want to help others; three values I will always endeavour to keep alive through my brand going forward.

As a Designer and brand, I vow to always extend a hand to help those in need. To give back when and where I can and spread kindness and love at all possible opportunities. I hope through this collection, I will be able to offer a little hope to all those who have lost a loved one to cancer, or whose lives have been affected.

All my love,